Artisan soaps made from luxurious oils and exotic butters with milks, creams and silk fibers; to the whimsy of glycerine soap creations. Full of fluffy bubbles and velvet lathers, once your skin it treated to handmade soap you will never go back. bytheSEAsoap was born out of the love of TSPink soap rocks some fifteen years ago. I found those soaps at a Nevada City Art Gallery and my obsession for beauty in a bar of soap began. I still have a small piece of that first soap! ~~Pam Mella~~

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Happy Sunday everyone!

I've been playing and thought I'd  share a few soap stamps with you.  These came to me all the way from Espania.    I ordered these stamps a while back from Omar Lopez of the blog "pasito a pasito".  For    ACaliforniaSoap bars.  Ocean themed a sea horse and a wave stamp were the first purchased.

The stamps worked as advertised and I'm very happy with how they performed.  Here is a fragrance test batch of soap which I tested the stamps on.  Omar's stamps are reasonably prices.  They were easy to use. I tried them with mica and without.  As you can see they are fun and clean easily.  Just let your cut soap sit for a day or two and give the stamp a try.  I think you will like it!  

Here   is a link to Omar's site if you would like to find a soap stamp for your business.  From initials to logos he has a wonderful selection.

Sea Horse Stamp used a little too soon.  Let set for another day and it was perfect!

With Gold Mica

 Next month I should have a few soaps up that people may like right here !  

One day I may ask Omar to make me a custom stamp something like these photos.  Which do you like vote  for the square or the circle!  Please leave me a comment!

Happy stamping!


  1. As someone who also stamps their soap I vote for the circle. Much easier to use.

  2. I really, really, love your circle design. I think it's eye-catching and just cool. So that's my vote! :)

  3. Your soaps are gorgeous, and so are Omar's stamps.

